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Itch Tailwind

Local development environment for itch.io project pages, based on Vite and TailwindCSS

  • Develop locally

    Live reloading development server

  • Build

    Minify HTML and CSS

  • Deploy

    by copy pasting


Data driven templates

HTML templates using variables and loops, powered by posthtml-expressions

<each loop="review in reviews"> <h3>{{ review.title }}</h3> <p>{{ review.content }}</p> </each>

Make it your own

Customize your build however you'd like! All configuration is out in the open. Edit build settings, add or remove plugins and features.

Add any other tailwind component libraries, like daisyUI, RippleUI, TailBlocks etc.

Better living through post-processing

  • Automatically prefix classes with custom- in both HTML and CSS.
  • Add vendor prefixes for non-standard CSS features for better support.
  • Minify HTML and CSS

Installation and Usage

Download and extract Itch Tailwind

Run npm install to install project dependencies

Download your current project templates with npm run fetch-templates https://yourname.itch.io/projectname

Start the development server with npm run start

When you're ready, build your new assets with npm run build

Copy your HTML to your itch project page, and your CSS to your page theme's CSS field.

You can use npm run copy-css and npm run copy-html to copy the contents of your built files to the clipboard


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Itch Tailwind 10 kB
Version 0.0.2


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